Can You Lose Weight Playing Pickleball?


Pickleball is a great way to get some exercise and lose weight but can it really help you shed those unwanted pounds?

The answer is yes! Playing pickleball can help you burn calories tone muscle and improve your cardiovascular health.

Plus it’s a lot of fun!

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Find a local pickleball court.
  2. Invest in a quality pickleball paddle.
  3. Join a pickleball league or club.
  4. Practice your strokes and footwork.
  5. Play pickleball with friends or family.

With a little dedication and effort you’ll be surprised at how much weight you can lose playing pickleball!

Is Pickleball A High-Calorie Burning Sport?

Pickleball is a high-calorie burning sport.

It is a great way to get your heart rate up and your body moving.

It is also a great way to burn calories.

A 155-pound person will burn around 596 calories per hour playing pickleball.

That number goes up to 714 calories per hour for a 185-pound person and 832 calories per hour for a 215-pound person.

Pickleball is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories.

If you’re looking for a fun social sport that will help you lose weight pickleball is a great option!