How Fast Does A Pickleball Travel?


It depends on a number of factors including the type of paddle being used the type of ball being used and the skill level of the player.

Generally speaking a pickleball can travel anywhere from 20 to 80 miles per hour.

However beginners will typically see speeds closer to 20 miles per hour while more experienced players can generate speeds of up to 80 miles per hour.

There are a few things that can affect how fast a pickleball travels.

For example the type of paddle can make a difference.

Paddles that are made of heavier materials such as wood will typically slow the ball down more than lighter paddles made of materials such as graphite.

In addition the type of ball being used can also affect the speed.

Balls that are designed for indoor use such as Those created with softer materials will travel slower than balls that are designed for outdoor use and are made with harder materials.

Finally the skill level of the player can also affect the speed of the ball.

Beginner players will typically hit the ball softer which will cause it to travel slower.

More experienced players on the other hand can generate more power and hit the ball harder causing it to travel faster.