Are Pickleball Rules The Same As Tennis?


Pickleball is a sport that has been around for a while but hasn’t always been taken seriously.

In recent years however it has grown in popularity and is now considered a legitimate sport by many.

But are the rules of pickleball the same as tennis?

The answer is both yes and no.

Pickleball is similar to tennis in that it is played with a paddle and a ball and the objective is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court.

However there are some key differences between the two sports.

For one the court size in pickleball is smaller than on a tennis court.

This makes the game more fast-paced and intense.

Additionally the net in pickleball is lower than a tennis net which makes it easier to hit the ball over.

Another key difference is that in pickleball the serves must bounce before they are hit.

In tennis however the ball can be hit in the air on the serve.

This makes pickleball a more strategic game as players must think about where they want the ball to bounce before they hit it.

Overall pickleball is a great sport that is growing in popularity.

It is similar to tennis in some ways but the key differences make it its own unique game.

If you’re looking for a new sport to try pickleball is a great option!