Can You Play Pickleball With Bad Knees?


Yes you can play Pickleball with bad knees.

However you may need to modify your game to accommodate your condition.

Pickleball is a low-impact sport which means it is easy on the joints.

However if you have bad knees you may need to take some precautions to prevent further injury.

First you should consult with a doctor to see if Pickleball is right for you.

If you have been cleared to play start with some warm-up exercises to loosen your muscles and joints.

If you are in pain take breaks as needed.

You may also want to try using an ice pack or heat pad on your knees after playing.

In general it is best to avoid high-impact activities if you have bad knees.

However Pickleball is a low-impact sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

If you have bad knees you may need to modify your game to accommodate your condition.

However you can still enjoy playing Pickleball.

Is Pickleball Bad For Knees?

Yes pickleball can be bad for knees especially if you’re already suffering from knee problems.

There are some things that you can do to reduce the risk of knee problems when playing pickleball.

First be sure to warm up properly before playing.

This will help to loosen the muscles and joints and reduce the risk of injury.

Second wear proper footwear.

Pickleball shoes should provide good support and cushioning to reduce the impact on the knees.

Third use appropriate equipment.

Pickleball paddles should be the right size and weight for you.

If the paddle is too heavy it can put strain on the wrists and arms which can lead to joint problems.

Fourth play on a soft surface.

If the court surface is too hard it can put extra stress on the knees.

Finally take breaks as needed.

If you start to feel pain in your knees take a break from the game and rest for a few minutes.

If you follow these tips you can help to reduce the risk of knee problems when playing pickleball.

However it is important to see a doctor if you experience any pain or swelling in your knees as this could be a sign of a more serious injury.