Can I Play Pickleball After Hip Replacement?


Yes you can play pickleball after hip replacement surgery.

You will need to take some precautions and follow your doctor’s orders but you can certainly enjoy this fun sport after hip replacement.

Pickleball is a relatively new sport so there is not a lot of research on the subject.

However there are some things we do know.

First pickleball is a low-impact sport.

This means that it is not as likely to put stress on your new hip as something like running or tennis.

Second pickleball is a game that can be played either indoors or outdoors.

If you are playing outdoors you will want to be sure that the court is level and not too slippery.

You may also want to consider playing on a softer surface like grass to reduce the impact on your new hip.

Third you will need to take some precautions when playing pickleball after hip replacement.

Be sure to warm up properly before playing.

You should also avoid sudden jerky movements.

And of course listen to your body.

If you start to feel pain stop playing and rest.

Finally be sure to talk to your doctor before starting to play pickleball after hip replacement.

He or she can give you specific instructions on how to safely play the game.

So can you play pickleball after hip replacement? Yes you can! Just be sure to take some precautions and follow your doctor’s orders.