Is Pickleball Easier Than Tennis?


On the one hand tennis requires more coordination and athleticism than pickleball.

On the other hand pickleball is played with a smaller court and a lighter ball so it can be less strenuous on the body.

Ultimately the answer comes down to personal preference and what you’re looking for in a game.

If you’re looking for a workout tennis is probably the better option.

It’s a fast-paced full-body game that will get your heart pumping.

Pickleball is a great option if you’re looking for a game that is less intense and more relaxed.

It’s also a great choice for beginners as the smaller court and lighter ball can make it easier to learn the game.

Is Pickleball Easier On Your Body Than Tennis?

Yes pickleball is easier on your body than tennis.

Here’s a look at why:

Pickleball Is A Low-Impact Sport:

One of the main reasons pickleball is easier on your body than tennis is because it is a low-impact sport.

Pickleball is played on a smaller court with a lower net which means there is less running and chasing after the ball.

This also means that there are fewer sudden starts and stops which can put strain on your joints.

Pickleball Is Played With A Softer Ball:

Another reason pickleball is easier on your body is because the ball is softer than a tennis ball.

The softer ball means that there is less risk of injury when you are hit by it.

In addition the softer ball is easier to control which can help you avoid injuries caused by wild swings.

Pickleball Is A Shorter Game:

Pickleball is also a shorter game than tennis.

A game of pickleball is typically played to 11 points while a tennis match is played to 21 points.

This means that you are not on the court as long which can help reduce your risk of injury.

So there you have it! Pickleball is a low-impact sport that is played with a softer ball and is shorter than tennis.

This makes it a great option for those looking for a less strenuous workout or for those who are looking to avoid injuries.