How To Hit A Pickleball Harder?


Pickleball is an amazing sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

However one of the challenges of pickleball is hitting the ball hard enough to win rallies.

In this blog post we’ll share some tips on how to hit a pickleball harder.

The first tip is to use a lighter paddle.

A lighter paddle allows you to swing the paddle faster which in turn will make the ball travel faster.

If you’re struggling to hit the ball hard enough try using a lighter paddle and see if that makes a difference.

The second tip is to practice your swing.

The more you practice your swing the better you’ll become at hitting the ball hard.

If you’re having trouble hitting the ball hard try practicing your swing in slow motion.

This will help you focus on your technique and make sure you’re hitting the ball in the sweet spot.

The third tip is to use a heavier ball.

A heavier ball will travel faster and have more power behind it when hit.

If you’re having trouble hitting the ball hard try using a heavier ball and see if that makes a difference.

The fourth tip is to make sure you’re using the right grip.

The right grip will help you swing the paddle faster and hit the ball harder.

If you’re having trouble hitting the ball hard try using a different grip and see if that makes a difference.

The fifth tip is to practice practice practice! The more you practice the better you’ll become at hitting the ball hard.

If you’re having trouble hitting the ball hard try practicing with a friend or family member.

Hitting a pickleball hard doesn’t have to be difficult.

By following these tips you should be able to improve your game and start winning more rallies.

What’s The Benefit Of Hitting A Pickleball Harder?

When you hit the ball harder you not only get a better workout in but you also force your opponent to work harder.

And that’s the key to a good pickleball workout – making your opponent work.

Think about it – if you’re just gently tapping the ball back and forth your opponent isn’t really getting much of a workout.

But if you’re hitting the ball hard they have to run around and make plays to keep up.

Not only does this make for a better workout but it also makes the game more fun.

After all what’s the point of playing if you’re not challenging yourself?

So next time you’re out on the pickleball court don’t be afraid to swing for the fences.

You may be surprised at how good of a workout you can get – and how much fun you can have – by hitting the ball a little harder.