Do Pickleball Paddles Matter?


Yes pickleball paddles do matter.

The type of paddle you use can affect your game in a number of ways.

The first thing to consider is the material the paddle is made from.

Pickleball paddles are typically made from one of three materials: wood composite or aluminum.

Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Wooden paddles are the traditional choice and are often the most affordable option.

However wood paddles can warp over time and are not as durable as other options.

Composite paddles are a mix of materials typically some combination of wood graphite and fiberglass.

Composite paddles are often more expensive than wood paddles but offer a number of benefits.

They are typically more durable and offer a better hitting surface.

In addition composite paddles are often lighter than wood paddles making them easier to swing.

Aluminum paddles are the most expensive option but offer a number of advantages.

Aluminum paddles are extremely durable and offer a very large sweet spot.

In addition aluminum paddles are often the lightest weight option making them easier to swing.

The next thing to consider is the size of the paddle.

Pickleball paddles are available in a variety of sizes.

The size you choose should be based on your height and arm length.

If you are taller you will likely need a longer paddle.

If you have shorter arms you will likely need a shorter paddle.

The final thing to consider is the grip.

Pickleball paddles come with a variety of grip options.

The most common grip options are the traditional straight grip and the overgrip.

The straight grip is the simplest and most comfortable option.

The overgrip is slightly more complicated but provides a more secure grip.

No matter what your budget is or what your skill level is there is a pickleball paddle out there that is perfect for you.

Do your research and try out a few different paddles to find the one that feels the best in your hand and offers the best performance.

Are Longer Pickleball Paddles Better?

It really comes down to your individual playing style and preferences.

If you’re looking for more power and reach then a longer paddle may be the right choice for you.

However if you’re looking for more control and maneuverability then a shorter paddle may be the better option.

Ultimately it’s up to you to decide which paddle will help you improve your game the most.

There are some general pros and cons of both long and short pickleball paddles that you should consider before making a purchase.

Long Pickleball Paddles:


  • More power: Longer paddles provide more leverage which can help you generate more power on your shots.
  • More reach: Longer paddles also offer more reach which can be helpful for players who have trouble hitting the sweet spot on shorter paddles.
  • More spin: Some players find that longer paddles help them generate more spin on their shots which can be helpful for improving your game.


  • More difficult to control: Longer paddles can be more difficult to control especially for players with smaller hands.
  • More expensive: Longer paddles are typically more expensive than shorter paddles.

Short Pickleball Paddles:


  • More maneuverable: Short paddles are more maneuverable which can be helpful for players who want more control over their shots.
  • More affordable: Short paddles are typically more affordable than longer paddles.


  • Less power: Short paddles provide less leverage which can make it difficult to generate power on your shots.
  • Less reach: Short paddles also offer less reach which can be an issue for players who have trouble hitting the sweet spot on longer paddles.
  • Less spin: Some players find that shorter paddles make it difficult to generate spin on their shots.